Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Mc Aloo Tikki Burger

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Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Mc Aloo Tikki Burger
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Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Mc Aloo Tikki Burger Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mc Aloo Tikki Burger. Orange Tangy Mayonnaise** (as per requirement). Aloo Tikki Burger with detailed step by step photos and video. Aloo Tikki Burger recipe is a popular McDonalds burger recipe in India.

The Mc Aloo Tikki is a vegetarian burger served in McDonald's in India.

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Aloo tikki burger recipe with step by step photos.

You can cook Mc Aloo Tikki Burger using 30 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mc Aloo Tikki Burger

  1. You need 4 of medium potatoes.

  2. You need 1/2 cup of peas.

  3. Prepare 1/4 cup of rice flakes.

  4. Prepare of Dry mix.

  5. It’s 1/2 tbsp of chilli powder.

  6. It’s to taste of Salt.

  7. Prepare 1/2 tbsp of onion powder.

  8. Prepare 1 tbsp of garlic powder.

  9. Prepare 1 tsp of turmeric.

  10. Prepare 1 tsp of roasted cumin powder.

  11. Prepare 1 tsp of Coriander powder.

  12. Prepare 2 tsp of kitchen king masala.

  13. Prepare 1 tsp of black pepper.

  14. You need of Sauce.

  15. You need 2 tbsp of hot sauce (non fermented).

  16. Prepare 4 tbsp of ketchup.

  17. It’s 8 tbsp of mayo.

  18. Prepare 1 of whole bulb of roasted garlic.

  19. You need of Frying.

  20. Prepare of Oil.

  21. You need of Bread crumbs.

  22. It’s 100 g of corn flour.

  23. You need 150 g of flour.

  24. You need of Water.

  25. It’s of Toppings.

  26. You need of Lettuce.

  27. You need of Onion.

  28. Prepare of Tomatoe.

  29. It’s of Pickled jalapeno.

  30. Prepare 4 of Cheese slices.

Crisp golden potato patties sandwiched in burger buns and then topped with veggies and spiced with chutneys.

All my Indian readers surely know of the well known mc donald's aloo tikki burger.

Aloo tikki burger - a fusion snack recipe that combines Indian traditional chaat and western fast food.

Tikki is made from boiled potatoes and green peas with some Indian spices and lemon juice.

Mc Aloo Tikki Burger step by step

  1. Boil and refrigerate potatoes and peas for 6hrs.

  2. Mash the potatoes.

  3. Add peas, washed rice flakes and dry mix.

  4. Form tikkies and refrigerate for 1hr.

  5. Prepare the sauce by mixing the ingredients together.

  6. Make the coats for frying: First dry coat of corn flour, regular flour and seasoning of your choice. Second coat, wet mix of flour, water and seasoning of your choice. Third coat of breadcrumbs with seasoning of your choice..

  7. Coat the tikkies and deep fry in hot oil till golden brown.

  8. Roast the buns to your liking.

  9. Assemble the burger in bun, sauce, lettuce, tikki, cheese, veggies, sauce, bun format..

  10. Served best with french fries.

If you want you can add shreeded carrot or boiled and mashed green beans.

aloo tikki burger is super crispy and tastes exactly like the original one.

The Mcdonalds veggie burger is irresistible.

The aloo tikki is super crisp and full of flavor.

This is a perfect vegetarian or vegan recipe.