Recipe: Yummy My Nans Bread Pudding

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Recipe: Yummy My Nans Bread Pudding
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Recipe: Yummy My Nans Bread Pudding Delicious, fresh and tasty.

My Nans Bread Pudding. In a big pot heat the milk, butter, fruit and sugar (don't let it boil). I use my Magimix to turn the bread into crumbs, add breadcrumbs mixed spice and vanilla, stir well. #breadandbutterpudding #sueran #breadpudding. Indulgent bread and butter pudding with homemade custard.

SavoryTomato Bread Pudding with Pork Loin and MushroomsHoje para Jantar.

It wasn't in my mother's rotation of recipes growing up, so the only other exposure I'd had to the dish was the She brought this bread pudding, one she'd seen in Tom Perrini's cookbook, and once I took my first bite, I knew just what I'd been missing my whole life.

Bread pudding is a bread based dessert that is popular in many countries.

You can cook My Nans Bread Pudding using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of My Nans Bread Pudding

  1. You need of bread pudding.

  2. It’s 500 grams of Bread, wholemeal or white or mix of both.

  3. You need 140 grams of Light muscovado sugar.

  4. Prepare 100 grams of Melted butter.

  5. Prepare 500 grams of mixed dried fruit,.

  6. It’s 2 of Beaten eggs.

  7. Prepare 1 1/2 tbsp of Mixed spice.

  8. Prepare 600 ml of milk.

Though different countries tend to vary their flavorings and ingredients, the Because bread pudding is so popular and versatile, every good cook will need a variety of recipes in their arsenal.

If you are thinking of creative ways to.

Bread pudding is so popular that almost every country has its own version of the recipe.

One of the best things about this dessert is that it can be made using leftovers.

My Nans Bread Pudding instructions

  1. Tear the bread into a large mixing bowl and add the fruit, peel and spice. Pour in the milk, then stir or scrunch through your fingers to mix everything well and completely break up the bread. Add eggs, muscovado and lemon zest if using. Stir well, then set aside for 15 mins to soak..

  2. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base of a 20cm non-stick square cake tin (not one with a loose base). Stir the melted butter into the pudding mixture, tip into the tin. Bake for 1½ hrs until firm and golden, covering with foil if it starts to brown too much. Turn out of the tin and strip off the paper. Cut into squares and serve warm.or cold, its delicious either way..

Bread pudding is an every-day dessert in many homes, but in many countries, it is served to mark holidays and special events.

This recipe is proof-positive that leftover bread can easily be converted to dessert without much work.

Bread pudding is a dessert born of desperation.

What was once a way to use up leftover odds and ends of stale bread has turned into a sought-after Bread pudding is a very personal thing, and you must figure out which flavors and textures most speak to you.

For now, I can only tell you how I do.