Recipe: Appetizing Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF

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Recipe: Appetizing Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF
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Recipe: Appetizing Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF. Who needs regular old biscuits when you could have these fluffy and flavorful French Onion Sour Cream Biscuits?! They are great spin on a southern classic! Just look at the gorgeous crumb on these little guys!

I used greek yogurt instead of sour cream, no.

Not having enough milk makes you resourceful.

I think the sour cream and yogurt in this recipe add a nice sour twist to the salty, meaty texture of the bacon.

You can have Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF using 11 ingredients and 16 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF

  1. It’s of AP flour.

  2. You need of baking powder.

  3. You need of salt.

  4. You need of chilled butter.

  5. It’s of chilled lard.

  6. It’s of milk.

  7. It’s of yogurt.

  8. It’s of sour cream.

  9. Prepare of bacon.

  10. You need of dark brown sugar.

  11. You need of butter, kosher salt, and cane sugar to coat biscuits before baking.

These Sour Cream and Chive drop biscuits are so easy to make!

Place biscuits back into the oven and continue.

These tender, delicate biscuits are a wonderful combination of bacon, chives and horseradish.

I recommend using the full four tablespoons of horseradish for a nice kick.

Bacon and Sour Cream Biscuits FUSF instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 400º. Place bacon on wire rack in baking sheet. Coat with dark brown sugar..

  2. Bake for 20 minutes, or until crisp..

  3. Cool on rack..

  4. Dice bacon, reserve..

  5. Mix flour, salt, and baking powder in large mixing bowl..

  6. Take butter and lard out of refrigerator. Slice into thin pieces, add to flour mixture..

  7. With your fingers, rub butter and lard into flour mixture until they are pea-sized pieces, taking care to only use the tips of your fingers. Be sure to work quickly so the mixture does not heat up..

  8. Pour in liquid. Using a flexible bench scraper or spatula, lightly combine ingredients until the dough just comes together. It should be on the liquidy side..

  9. Add 3/4 of the bacon, reserving some for later. Fold lightly..

  10. Turn onto well-floured board. Sprinkle flour on top, and flour your rolling pin..

  11. Roll mixture out to approximately 8"x6" x2". Sprinkle sugar over dough..

  12. Using a metal bench scraper, fold 1/3 over to middle, then fold the other 1/3 over so there are 3 layers. Flour the top slightly, roll out again to 12"x6"x2", taking care to not work the dough too much..

  13. Using a large ring, cut 6 biscuits, taking care to not twist the ring. Place on half baking sheet lined with silpat or parchment. Gently rework dough into same approximate shape, cut and place biscuits on a second lined half sheet..

  14. Using a pastry brush, coat the tops of the biscuits. Sprinkle salt and sugar. Add the remaining bacon on top of biscuits..

  15. Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown on top, turning at 8 minutes..

  16. Drizzle hot biscuits with maple syrup and serve warm..

I often have leftover sour cream on hand as well, which is precisely why I started experimenting with it in biscuits.

Sour cream has a wonderful way of helping produce tender baked goods, such as these delicate biscuits.

Mix together flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder.

Add sour cream and mix to a soft dough.

Today I want to share with you this simple and delicious twist on a good, old fashioned every day biscuit!