Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread

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Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread
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Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread. PLUS, trying to BAKE in my RICE COOKER and COOK when I don't have a 'western kitchen' and with limited space! So if you are in the boat as me? If you want to know how to bake in an electric rice cooker?

Baking in my rice cooker has allow me to make cakes, bread and other easy rice cooker cake recipes that I love eating.

If you want to know how to bake in an electric rice cooker?

Or how to make cakes without an oven?

You can cook Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread

  1. It’s of ◎Egg.

  2. Prepare of ◎Firm tofu.

  3. You need of Fresh okara.

  4. You need of ◎Rice bran.

  5. You need of or so ◎Curry powder.

  6. You need of packets Natto (with the sauce packet that comes with the natto).

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EASY RICE COOKER CAKE RECIPES: Is It Possible to Bake Bread in a Rice Cooker?

Matcha "pan" cakes (Rice cooker cake).

I've recently found a recipe online that showed how to make a pancake in a rice cooker, so this is my attempt!

Made in a Rice Cooker Okara, Rice Bran and Natto Cake Bread instructions

  1. Put the ◎ ingredients into the bowl of the rice cooker, and mix well with your hands..

  2. Add the natto (including the sauce), mix well with a spatula, level out the surface and cook using the regular rice setting (about 30 minutes)..

  3. If the surface becomes dry it's done. Leave to cool down a bit, then invert onto a plate..

  4. Finished. You can eat it as is without any sauce. Try using more curry powder or other spices as topping..

  5. The surface will be crispy when it's freshly cooked. The insides are moist and soft. If you use a 5 rice cooker cup capacity cooker, the cake will be about 1.5 cm high..

  6. Here I used rice flour instead of rice bran. It's a little more dense and chewy than the rice bran version, and more lightly flavored. You could add a bit more curry powder and sauce..

This is my favourite brand of hotcake mix, perfect weight.

These useful spices can be used to cook so many different meals!

Put all the flour, spices, and fruit into a rice cooker to make a sweet spice cake in less than an hour.

Combine bran flakes, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract together in a separate large bowl; allow bran flakes to slightly absorb the milk, about Reviews for: Photos of Rice Cooker Muffin Cake.

We've told you how a rice cooker can work as a DIY sous vide machine and make amazing risotto the lazy way, but did you know that it can also make pancakes, bread, mashed potatoes, and poached fruit?