Recipe: Delicious Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs

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Recipe: Delicious Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs
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Recipe: Delicious Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs. In today's video, I shared how I made toasted bread with eggs and sardines. Thanks for watching❤ Please, Like, Share. Hi everyone, welcome to my channel.

Sardines and hard-boiled eggs didn't sound like a natural combination to me, but since more than one person Obviously this is a great source of protein for people who eat fish and eggs but not meat, and sardines Serve on an English muffin or bread of your choice.

Here's how to eat sardines and make them delicious, with serving ideas that include salads, toasts, pastas, and more.

Here are some of the easiest ways to make canned sardines feel less like apocalypse rations and more like a luxurious treat.

You can cook Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs

  1. You need 4 slices of bread.

  2. It’s 1 tin of sardines.

  3. It’s 2 of boiled eggs.

  4. It’s 1 spoon of butter or margarine.

  5. It’s 1 teaspoon of ground dried chili pepper.

  6. You need 1 teaspoon of salt.

Add the sardines and heat through for a few mins until warm.

Toasts with poached egg and mozzarella - is an excellent option for a quick and simple lunch that everyone will like.

In the meantime, while you are boiling eggs, put the toasted bread.

Egg toast or egg bread toast recipe made with eggs, bread, onions, chilies and herbs.

Toast bread with sardines and boiled eggs instructions

  1. Open the sardines and pour into a plate. Mash it into smaller pieces using a fork..

  2. Cut the boiled eggs into small chunks and add the the sardines.

  3. Also add the margarine or butter, chili pepper and salt..

  4. Mix thoroughly using the fork..

  5. Spread over your slices of bread. Place. One slice over another and transfer to your electric sandwich maker..

  6. Toast for 3- 5mins and serve with beverage of choice..

  7. Enjoy.

Egg toast is one of the most popular street foods from India.

It is very much eaten in all regions as a breakfast or fast food.

For the slaw, place the vinegar, water and sugar in a saucepan and heat To serve, garnish on the bread with the pepper mix, add the sardines and finish with a touch more garnish and a squeeze of lemon.

Toasted white bread with slices of hard boiled egg on white background.

Slowly lower the eggs into the pan on a slotted spoon (to not crack on the bottom).