Recipe: Yummy Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)"

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Recipe: Yummy Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)"
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Recipe: Yummy Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)" Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)". I make a small Nerikiri Wagashi with only Nerikiri-dough colorized. Gradations of the colors give us a sense of spring. Knead the Nerikiri-dough to make it smooth.

Learn to make simple, beautiful cherry blossoms in this online cake tutorial.

Sakura Blossoms by Sliceofcake on DeviantArt.

Spring in Japan means sakura (cherry blossom) season!

You can cook Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)" using 3 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)"

  1. Prepare of Nerikiri-dough.

  2. You need of Please refer to "Example: how to make a Dough for Nerikiri-Wagashi (with wheat flour)".

  3. You need of + Food colorings.

It's one of the most anticipated seasons of the year, with sakura viewing parties and decorations gracing many establishments throughout the country.

It's also a time when you can expect.

Cherry blossom or "Sakura" peaks in Japan at Imperial Palace.

Ott ahol tavasszal cseresznye virágzott furcsa gyümölcsöt teremnek a fák ahol dicsőségemre katedrális állott démonok táncolnak koromsötét éjszakán.

Small Nerikiri Wagashi: "Sakura (Cherry blossom)" step by step

  1. Ingredients.

  2. Utensils..

  3. Knead the Nerikiri-dough to make it smooth. Divide the dough into 3 parts. Colorize each doughs with the food colorings dissolved in water..

  4. Make 3 colors for 1 piece.

  5. Make 3 colors for 1 piece.

  6. Make the center part round. Wrap it with the red dough and make it round. Wrap it with the white one..

  7. Make patterns with a chopstick to bring out the colors from dough inside..

  8. Put a drawing of Sakura with a cutter shaped Sakura on it..

In a tea ceremony, the small wagashi lets us appreciate the seasonal changes.

As you can imagine, the sweetness of wagashi and the The Wagashi in the first picture is called Sakura (cherry blossom)-mochi which is served in spring, the season of sakura, with a.