Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version)

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Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version)
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Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version) Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version). Making your own homemade miso from scratch is fun and is not hard to make. It is totally worth the effort and time! My simple step-by-step instructions on How to Make Miso will guide you through this process.

Here's your step by step guide for making a delicious and healthy miso paste in your own home.

Typically miso is made with soybeans, koji and salt, and fermented from anywhere between a couple of weeks to a couple of years.

There are also misos made with fish, chickpeas, peas, beans, etc instead of soybeans.

You can have Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version) using 3 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version)

  1. Prepare 1000 grams of Dried soybeans.

  2. You need 1000 grams of Rice koji (Seikyo's Yasaka label fresh organic koji).

  3. You need 450 grams of Salt (or shima maasu, Okinawan salt).

This article will tell you an easy way to make miso using miso's fermentation/culture starter called koji (malt; Aspergillus oryzae).

There also a recipe for miso soup!

Let's try to make delicious organic miso at home!

Whip up a restaurant-style bowl of miso ramen in your own kitchen.

Homemade Miso Made In a Plastic Storage Container (Sweet or Not So Salty Version) instructions

  1. Wash the soybeans, and soak in plenty of water overnight..

  2. Drain off the soaking water, and boil the soybeans in fresh water. Cook them slowly over medium-low heat for about 5 hours. Be careful not to let them burn..

  3. Bubbles will rise to the surface as they cook so skim them off. Add water to the pot to cover the beans if the water level drops too low..

  4. When the soybeans are soft they are done. You should be able to crush one easily between the thumb and forefinger of your opposite hand (your left hand if youre right handed)..

  5. Reserve 2 handfuls of the salt in a separate container. Mix the rest of the salt with the koji while breaking up the clumps with your hands. (The koji in the background has been mixed with salt.).

  6. Spray a bowl or other container with 70% ethanol. Add the slightly cooled soy beans and mash them up using a potato masher. If a few bits of soybean are still left, its fine..

  7. Spray both hands with 60% ethanol, then mix the salt-koji and the mashed soybeans together well..

  8. Add some of the soybean cooking liquid until the mixture is soft and dough-like, with a texture similar to how your earlobe feels. Form it into baseball-sized balls (these are called miso balls), as if you were making onigiri rice balls..

  9. Spray a plastic storage box with 70% ethanol, and wipe it dry with a clean paper towel. Cover the bottom with some of the salt that was reserved in Step 5. (Leave some salt to sprinkle on top of the miso.).

  10. Push the miso balls into the bottom of the plastic box so that there are no gaps. I dont throw the balls in. (Translator's note: some miso instructions say to throw the miso balls into the container to eliminate air pockets.) Verify that there are no air pockets by observing the miso from the outside of the box..

  11. When all the miso balls are packed in, sprinkle all the remaining salt on top..

  12. Spray the surface of the miso with 70% ethanol, and cover with plastic wrap. Spray again with ethanol and add another layer of plastic wrap..

  13. Wipe off any soy beans that are stuck to the sides of the container, spray with more ethanol and put the lid on. Wrap in newspaper..

  14. Store in a cool dark place. Open it up in about 5 months to check on it. Mix it up from the bottom with a clean paddle..

  15. Its ready to eat in 6 to 10 months..

You don't have to be a top chef for this.

All you need is a tub of miso paste in your fridge.

Miso paste is made by fermenting soybean, rice or barley using a fungus, and preserved using salt and alcohol.

It is widely used in Japanese cuisine, especially in their miso soup.

It tastes salty and tangy, and sometimes a little.