Recipe: Appetizing Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad

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Recipe: Appetizing Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad
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Recipe: Appetizing Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad. Shio koji is an ingredient in Japanese cooking with a history of at least a few hundred years. Koji (also known as koji-kin) is a fungus or mold used to ferment foods or make alcoholic beverages. The term koji can also refer to the fermented food itself, for example, the end product that is created when the mold and grain (rice, soybean, etc.) are broken down.

Drain and wash with cold water.

In a large bowl, add the lettuce, cherry tomatoes, bell pepper and asparagus.

Add the lemon juice and mix all the ingredients together.

You can have Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad

  1. Prepare 4 of asparagus.

  2. It’s 30 g of Corn.

  3. You need of a.

  4. It’s 2 teaspoons of salt with ricea malt.

  5. Prepare 1 tsp of grain mustard.

  6. You need 1 of little black pepper.

Season with salt and pepper and.

Shio koji is made with mold (called kojikin, or Aspergillus Oryzae) which is added to rice, salt, and water and allowed to ferment.

Kojikin is also used to make miso paste, soy sauce, and sake.

Shio koji is a magical ingredient because it has enzymes that break down proteins.

Asparagus salt with rice malt(Shio-koji) salad instructions

  1. Asparagus is boiled and cut diagonally at 1cm width Add asparagus, corn and A to the bowl and mix..

  2. .

I used a portable electric mixer to thoroughly mix the ingredients before placing it in a heat sterilized glass jar and will age it for a week to ten days mixing it once a day.

Next, add on the rice with chopped beans, coconut milk, water and salt as per your taste.

Once the rice becomes tender, add on the chopped asparagus and cook for some time until the water evaporates.

Remove from heat and transfer it in a serving plate.

Asparagus is a vegetable consumed to cure many physical ailments including asparagus benefits for cancer.