Recipe: Delicious Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer

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Recipe: Delicious Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer
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Recipe: Delicious Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer. Great recipe for Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer. I tried making a goma-ae (vegetables with sesame seed sauce) with shio-koji and it was delicious, so I tried this too. Please adjust the amount of shio-koji to taste.

Rub carrots with paste until evenly coated.

Since then, I've steamed everything from carrots to potatoes with perfect results, thanks to the steamer basket.

It helps prevent the veggies from soaking up too much liquid โ€” and it makes.

You can have Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer

  1. It’s 30 grams of Carrot.

  2. It’s 1 tsp of Shio-koji (salt-fermented rice malt).

  3. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Sugar.

  4. Prepare 1 tsp of Ground sesame seeds.

You can (literally) just whip it up with all the high quality pantry ingredients to create this creamy, high-protein dip with rich sesame flavors and aromatic kick from the Stone-Ground Sansho Powder.

Besides the steamed vegetables, this dip is also great with.

To steam, arrange the ingredients on the steam grate and cover again.

Finally, add the broccolini and cherry tomatoes and cook.

Carrots with Sesame and Shio-Koji Cooked In a Silicone Steamer instructions

  1. Finely shred the carrot. Put into a microwave silicone steamer, and microwave for 50 seconds at 700 W. If any moisture comes out of the carrot, drain it off..

  2. Add the shio-koji, sugar, and ground sesame seeds. Mix it all together and its done..

Add butter, madras curry and cayenne pepper.

Silicone Information: Silicone Cookware > Silicone is a synthetic rubber which contains bonded silicon (a natural element which is very abundant in sand and rock) and oxygen.

Shio Koji is a newly popular seasoning in Japan.

Vegetable Steaming Times (Chart) If you're always short of time when it comes to cooking a dinner, consider steaming food.

Steaming is an easy and relatively quick way to prepare vegetables such as carrots, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, beans, beets, cauliflower, celery, and radishes.