Recipe: Appetizing Steamed egg pudding

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Recipe: Appetizing Steamed egg pudding
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Recipe: Appetizing Steamed egg pudding Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Steamed egg pudding. Chinese Steamed Egg is a traditional recipe that is very easy to make. Learn how to steam eggs Chinese style, including tips to make it silky and smooth. carrot pudding.carrot milk pudding.healthy eats spice. Steamed Egg Pudding by (YES I CAN COOK).

With more eggs and less cream, it is slightly healthier than normal puddings.

With a smooth, silky feel and delicate taste that people of all ages will enjoy, this will surely become part of your main dessert.

I am, for some reason, very tired today… Steamed milk pudding is a Cantonese dessert, which originated during the Qing Dynasty.

You can cook Steamed egg pudding using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Steamed egg pudding

  1. Prepare 1 of large duck egg. Yes duck :).

  2. It’s 2 of large chicken eggs.

  3. It’s of Salt and white pepper.

  4. You need 2 cups of lukewarm water.

  5. Prepare touch of Garlic oil for final.

  6. You need of Salt and white pepper or chicken powder.

If the fat content determines whether the skin of steamed milk pudding is thick enough, the egg white content.

See more ideas about Egg pudding recipe, Steamed eggs, Milk dessert.

This steamed eggs with milk dessert is very popular in Hong Kong, and also my childhood dessert that I grew up with.

Gyeran means eggs, and jjim refers to a steamed dish.

Steamed egg pudding instructions

  1. Prep your steamer with water and heat it up. Stat!.

  2. Crack your eggs into a large prep bowl..

  3. Add the lukewarm water stir it gently and season with salt and pepper and chicken powder. What you are trying to achieve is a milky liquid. Tips: do not whisk the liquid..

  4. When everything is combine prep a fresh ceramic or heat proof medium large bowl, get your strainer. Pour strain the liquid into the bowl..

  5. Steam for 10-15 minutes (goal : silky pudding texture) put off the heat take it out and put the garlic oil on top. Serve while its hot. Here in the picture is just my variation because i have dried shrimp left over but the original recipe only use garlic oil..

Eggs are also called dalgyal (달걀) in Korean, so this dish is also called dalgyaljjim (달걀찜).

It's a popular side dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Microwave steamed eggs cook the egg much faster.

As a result, the eggs are a little firmer and the cooking is a little uneven.

You may have parts of the custard that are slightly more cooked.