Recipe: Delicious Natto Hand-rolled Sushi

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Recipe: Delicious Natto Hand-rolled Sushi
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Recipe: Delicious Natto Hand-rolled Sushi Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Natto Hand-rolled Sushi. Great recipe for Natto Hand-rolled Sushi. I thought up a natto recipe that would allow me to take in lots of healthy raw veggies. Since my husband happily ate a bunch of these up as well, they should be pretty easy to eat for non-raw foodists.

I substituted alfalfa for rice to make raw foodist-friendly hand-rolled natto sushi. ・Hand Rolled sushi.

Hand Rolled sushi, called "Temaki-sushi" in Japanese, is a style of sushi that wraps your favorite ingredients by yourself with seaweed and rice.

You can choose from many kinds of Ingredients including tuna, shrimp, vegetable, omelet, and even Natto.

You can have Natto Hand-rolled Sushi using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Natto Hand-rolled Sushi

  1. Prepare 3 of packs Natto.

  2. You need 3 of packs Natto sauce (the sauce that comes with a pack of natto).

  3. It’s 1/2 tbsp of Shio-koji.

  4. It’s 1 of Japanese leek.

  5. You need 50 grams of Alfalfa.

  6. You need 3 of sheets Nori.

The sushi did come out a bit slow, but all the nigiris and temakis are freshly hand rolled, so be a little patient.

On another note, this all you can eat sushi had a twist. after each order, the sushi chef made the rice balls a bit bigger, and you must eat ALL the rice in order to place your next order.

The Temakizu appear to be the "Bad Guys" of Shallyder and are basically "Temaki (hand rolled)" sushi rolls that come with various fillings, hence the different colors.

This one is filled with Natto, a sticky fermented bean paste that has a golden hue.

Natto Hand-rolled Sushi instructions

  1. Combine the natto, the natto sauce, and the shio-koji. Thinly slice the leek. Cut each sheet of nori into quarters..

  2. Place each ingredient on their own dish. Top the nori with alfafa, leek, and natto, in that order. Roll it up in the coned form of hand-rolled sushi, and enjoy..

Temaki-sushi (we call it Temakizushi '手巻き寿司'), literally "hand-rolled sushi" is another easy-to-make sushi cooked at home.

There are many types of sushi, but I think Temakizushi is best suited for serving a crowd.

And at last there is a "Natto maki" It has a type of beans in it.

These three are all rolled sushi.

Lots of people make this at home in japan. it is very easy to make.